Dear Customer, we’d like to guarantee the best quality and service given that you’ve put your trust in us by purchasing on our website.

In all the purchasing orders, while the merchandise is in complete and right state, and has been shipped correctly by Karina and delivered to the Customer, we do not take returns or give refunds once the products have left our distribution center.

The authorized reasons for proceeding to a return or refund process are the following:

  • The products were delivered with missuses, damages, or alterations.
  • The delivered products differ from the ones that the Customer ordered.

For starting a return or refund Process, the Customer has 15 natural days after receiving the products of the original order, having to keep the whole order’s products and packaging. Furthermore, the product shall be in good conditions; not used, broken or damaged by the Customer.

The returns or refunds requested because of defects or delivery errors, will be analyzed by our team, based on our customer’s original order and its details, for it to be considered as a manufacturing defect or delivery error.

Some of the factors that will block any return or refund processes are:

  • The delivered products are in right and integral conditions (without manufacturing or packaging defects).
  • The products were delivered on time and were exactly the ones ordered by the Customer.
  • The products were used and altered by the Customer before the claim.
  • The products have been damaged by the Customer before the claim.

For proceeding with the request, the Customer would call any of the contact telephone numbers or send an email to the email address, to ask for the return or refund of the merchandise.

At the time of the request, we suggest the Customer to have the following information readily available:

  • Order Number
  • Personal Data (Name, Surname, Address, …)
  • Carrier Shipping Number
  • Photographs showing the error or damage of the order

As soon as we receive the claim and the process has been analyzed and authorized by the related team, we’ll proceed to ask for the products in return, if applying. The return shipping costs will be negotiated, depending on the situation and what is more convenient for the Customer.

  • In case of a Return without a wanted replacement of the products, Estambres Karina will give to the Customer a voucher valid as much as the claimed commercial amount. This voucher will be valid for 3 months since the devolution of the products.
  • In case of a Return with a wanted replacement of the products, the process of a new correct shipping will be done, according to the Customer’s original order and given address. The shipping costs will be negotiated, depending on the situation and what is more convenient for the Customer.

For more information, please do contact our executives.


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